Dear Partner,

As promised, you can now download the Media Kit for Zonda 3 on our Marketing Sharepoint (link below).

Zonda 3 will be launched on Tuesday, 6th December 2022 at 10am CEST.

Our website will be updated on the occasion.

Please do not publish Zonda 3 before the 6th December 2022.

If you do not have an access to our Marketing folder,  please email us and we will grant you one.
We are thrilled to announce that our first Laser source luminaire Cobra has received the Entertainment Lighting Award from LIT Lighting Design Awards.

Click here to learn more
Ayrton luminaires in tune with Les Fous Chantants 2022

Every year since 1998, the mass choir of Les Fous Chantants (The Singing Fools), has honoured French-speaking songwriters and composers - living or deceased - with a major choral concert devoted to their works. The musical programme generally includes 25 songs, including those of the guest artist, that are sung with the choir.

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Jo Campana chooses Ayrton Domino Profile for Ligabue tour

It was a quick sell-out for Ligabue’s seven Italian dates at the spectacular Arena di Verona, followed by four more European concerts in Barcelona, Brussels, Paris and London.

Ligabue returned to the stage after the great success of his ’30 Years in a Day’ show on 4th June 2022 at the famous Arena in Campovolo... 

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